5 Eye-Opening Communication Secrets to Secure a Man You Can Trust and Break Free from Feeling Unloved and Undervalued

5 Eye-Opening Communication Secrets to Secure a Man You Can Trust and Break Free from Feeling Unloved and Undervalued

You’re a woman who I’m guessing likes to communicate and you also value quality communication too. You also want to communicate elegantly and honestly with a man, especially your potential future lover and partner.

You want a man who can see you for who you are, and value you for all that you are. You’re prepared to read the books, listen to the experts, climb a mountain or do a head stand – if that’s what it takes to get the communication you dream of with a man.

So what gives that most men are not on the same page in serious discussions?

Why does it feel like they shy away, walk away, or plain don’t get it?

Why do we donk up against each other’s ideas about communication so easily?

What’s the secret to understanding communication with men so you can make sure you have a high quality one in your life?

The honest answer is, there is not JUST ONE communication secret for us to women you know about men. In fact there aren’t only five, but I will share with you the top five to shift something big inside of you today, so that going forward other pieces can fall into place by themselves.

1. What’s he hiding?

Men can sometimes hide their intentions, but if you’re paying attention to what’s happening for him right in front of you, it’s easy to see.

A man didn’t grow up being told to hide anything; in fact they grew up being taught the opposite.

It’s us girls who grew up being taught to hide things. And the problem with that is, we can only see the world through that perspective, that others are hiding things, even when they’re not!

This is why other men can see a man’s intention, and why they will always tell you in a roundabout way ‘wasn’t it obvious?!’

2. The “Man On A Mission” Phenomenon

Men in their 30’s and 40’s are in their “Man On A Mission” phase, and this falls into two categories and you need to know which one he’s in to know if he’s looking at you as a long term partner, or a fling for now.

To break it down, there are two types of “Man On A Mission” Men. Some men include women in that mission so you can accomplish it together, others would like to accomplish the mission first, then share the results with a woman. This is never easy for us women to see unless you know how.

What us Women need to understand thoroughly is a man’s mission in life. Which you can easily find out by asking him specific questions, and he’ll happily answer.

When you can understand a man’s mission, you can secure your own love and feel valued, safe and priority to him, because sometimes the issues at hand are nothing to do with you.

3. A Good Man Always Means Well.

A good man, the kind you want to love, the kind you want to take home to meet your family, will always mean well, he will always do the things he believes in from the good of his heart.

A man sees the world differently to you, and when you can see that and see his perspective, you can see how he always means well. Sometimes he’s looking at the bigger picture and you’re looking at the finer detail. Which is great, we need that teamwork for partnership to work. But sometimes without clear communication and understanding, this can lead to troubles, or look like mixed signals.

4. What Can You See?

You have to know what exactly it is you want, or seriously you’ll never see it…

Before you can attract the right man to make you feel secure, you have to know EXACTLY what feeling secure is for you.

Not what you read in a magazine, or what your parents tell you is security and will make you feel secure. You need to know exactly what security is to you – then when you know, you will see it in men and see it in the man in front of you, if he is the right one for you.

5. What Are You Carrying That Around For?

Men tend to deal with their own baggage in private.

Women tend to want to share, be helped, or connect with this topic, and this all can cause massive issues for men. Why? Why does this have to be the drama it is – because we’re different, and hallelujah to that, but this also requires some skill and navigation. You need girlfriends, you need support, you need to take radical responsibility for the past and let it go, so you are free to be with this man right in front of you. I kid you not, your baggage from the past energetically weighs you down, and a man can sense this. No, he can literally see it! Deal with your own baggage.

5 Eye-Opening Communication Secrets to Secure a Man You Can Trust and Break Free from Feeling Unloved and Undervalued

What next now that we’ve covered 5 Eye-Opening Communication Secrets to Secure a Man You Can Trust and Break Free from Feeling Unloved and Undervalued?

Well, I know for sure if you’re living in the modern world that men will never be the same again. Let these sink in. Print this blog post out, write your own experiences with men that relate to each.

Let these words provide you with the freedom, security in yourself and a man, and the juicy love you are seeking. Because it’s all there. You will hopefully see how complimentary men are and that with a little skill you can have the love and security you both want in a relationship.

One thing I do want to point out to hopefully sum this up for you is this:

Us Women need to consider looking through the view of ’What if there’s a good reason for that?’

When you are talking to a man, at a café, on a date, even when it’s only a work conversation, when you feel agitated, when you feel un-seen, un-fulfilled, un-heard, un-valued, try on the thinking that this isn’t his intention at all!

What if there is a break down in perspective, in his words (this is a biggie for us women and I will elaborate another day!), what if we are not coming at this conversation from connection/partnership/win-win, what if what he’s said/done/will do has a good intention behind it but we aren’t able to see it right now.

What would your life be like with men if you always assumed there’s a good reason for that?

You’re a master at talking, understanding, compassion, and connecting the dots. Ask questions, listen to the answer, and gently clarify if you need to.

The right guys, the good guys, will always give you their best and give you the time to explain so you’re coming from a place of connection and partnership. We want partnership, and it starts with us.

What if there’s a good reason for that?

Your Perfect Partner is Waiting.

The World is Your Oyster,



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