Dating a NO to my Heck Yes

It was hard to believe that on my 30th birthday, I had no clue about men and I was really just winging it – fast forward to 2017 and I am living with my HECK YES and merging families!

How did I go from single, dating duds and feeling WAY OUT OF MY DEPTH to creating a family with my HECK YES?

I invested my energy, money and time in learning how to get love right before I expected the man to appear.

I didn’t go out dating and trying to change men.

I didn’t hope, pray and wish he’d be online and all I had to do was have the best profile or the most amazing photos.

Meeting men has never been a problem, but choosing good ones and nurturing a healthy relationship was. I could have met 100 more men but without learning how Men Really Work I would still be single today or once again be existing in another unhealthy relationship.

Your relationship experiences and current status are a reflection of your beliefs about yourself, and your beliefs about Men, Relationships and Love.

It’s an inside game, not a numbers game – it’s when your self-worth and love vibration align.

And this is what I want to teach you.

How to shift your beliefs about Men, Relationships and Love, raise your self-worth and confidence, and teach you how to date with intention so you can call in the man of your dreams.

This information is a quick description of the exact steps that I did to rapidly align myself with many potential Heck Yes Men, and easily filter out all the “Duds”.

And I really mean rapid, because once you get it, the rest aligns itself!! Literally overnight it took one last piece to click and I knew I was dating my HECK YES!

Dating a NO to my Heck Yes Blog Post

 This is how you do it:

1.       Believe and trust that you can have Extraordinary Love with a Man who Adores YOU

2.       Be The Woman Worthy of Commitment and Love

3.       Set an intention with a deadline (yup, it doesn’t happen “someday”)

4.       Know how to choose a man that will Cherish you, Love you, Adore you, and Commit to you

5.       Date without trying to control Men or the Outcome

6.       Date with Integrity

7.       Stick to the plan

8.       Stay in your Feminine

9.       Choose your King

10.   Build the skills to nurture the healthiest, most loving Relationship you have ever experienced

The ideal woman that is ready for this NEXT STEP IN HER LIFE…..

-Will not settle for mediocre results in her love life

-Is determined to have love

-Is willing to acknowledge and push past her blocks and heal her heart

-Values commitment

-Values self-development work

-Is willing to invest in her love education, growth and coaching

-Is DONE being alone

Finding love on your terms takes commitment and determination but it is also fun and enlightening! If you do the work and trust the process, you will get the results and have a blast doing it.

Love can be fun and easy.

So let me ask you,

Are you determined to find love? 

Do you know you need help to find a great man who is ready for commitment? 

Are you willing to let go of everything that has been holding you back from having extraordinary love and try the formula that works? 

This is your first step to transforming your success in love.

Commit to making changes and achieving a different result.

If you want a man to commit, then you need to assess your commitments too!!

If you’re willing to put in the work, your KING is coming! The difference between those that will find extraordinary love and those that will not is that the ones who do will have committed to growth and doing things differently.

Take control of your love life. Study love. Invest in love. Master love. Decide that your next relationship is going to be your best one, and your last one and learn how to make that a reality.

The world is YOUR oyster.

Hayley signature

Attract A Quality Relationship and your Powerhouse Man.