Brand StyleVisually how you show up online matters, what you wear, how you present yourself, and what that says means every split second counts.


We have approximately 1/10th second to make the right impression.


What that means is, before you’ve spoken, your potential client will have already summed you up, decided who they think you are, what you represent, how you can help (if you can help), and if they like you.


So what do they use to sum you up in such a short time frame?


It’s what you look like and how you present yourself – because believe it or now, how you look is a WHOLE language itself.


As a woman in business or one who may want to start a business, your clothes and style is a weapon you need to use as one of your strongest resources.


The clothes in your wardrobe need to be your weapon of what you want to say to the world


Let me give examples of this in motion…

– You wouldn’t wear your PJ’s to a boardroom meeting, because no one will take you seriously.

– You wouldn’t wear casual clothes to a ball, because you will appear effortless.

– You wouldn’t wear dirty clothes, well, because you will appear dirty and lazy. I’m pretty sure we can all agree on that one!


What you wear matters, your clothes (including the colour) conveys a message about who you are (the queen wears a crown), tells strangers you belong to a team (think sports or work uniforms), what you wear also tells people about your beliefs, where you come from, how old you are etc.

Branding Style

The clothes you wear everyday are a source of communication.


In the online world, the branding and marketing visual presentation of your business is CRITICAL to conveying the right message about you, your services, and products.


Take Facebook videos and live videos as an example, when someone is scrolling through their newsfeed, they see your video, which is immediately on mute before they hear you speaking. They don’t hear your important message, but they see your clothes, your face, and whatever background you have behind you. They decided at that split second moment, based on what they see, if they should click to hear the words being spoken.


That being said, I’d like to talk about something that is an easy move you can make today to create a fierce authentic message.

Did you know if you wear clothes of a particular colour, they vibrate a particular frequency and that frequency is a message to anyone whom sees you?


You’ve all heard of frequency and vibration.

You’ve all heard of chakras (hopefully).

Well, did you know the colours of the chakras create a particular message to the conscious and the subconscious?



Let’s begin at the bottom with an example to help bring the importance of this home for you.




Red is the colour and vibration of our root chakra. The red of this chakra is the root of the physical body in three dimensions.

It focuses on our earthly life, and deals with issues associated with survival (blood included), endurance, grounding, maintaining and nourishing vital life.

It is also deeply associated with our sexual organs and glands.


The colour red symbolically represents Courage and Success, it is hot, stimulating and it’s our life force colour.

Red is the colour of our blood, red is the colour of fire, red is the colour that commands attention and connects viewer’s right into that part of themselves.


Think about what happens when a woman wears scarlet red lipstick around a man, he notices and it gets his blood circulating.

Think about when you wear red lipstick, how sassy and on fire do you feel?

A lick of red lipstick can go a long way when you’re tired and don’t have the energy to show up.


Red is a strong life force colour that grabs and commands attention.


Because red is stimulating, it is often used for companies in the food industry, ie: McDonalds.


Red is also the first to emerge on the visible light spectrum and is the longest of the visible rays.

As the first colour to emerge, it speaks to creation and its structure (the physical side of life).


Red is the colour of Christmas, gifts of money are placed in red envelopes in Eastern Cultures, and we speak of ‘painting the town red’ = all of which indicate the material, spending and for abundance.


Because red speaks to our beginnings in life, symbolically we use red to demonstrate love and passion. Ie: Red roses.


I recommend using red in your online marketing to get attention, a smooch of red lipstick for an important video, teamed with red nails will get a lot of attention and engagement. Red is exciting and people are always looking for exciting things. If you show up today wearing red, it will gain you instant attention and engagement.


And what that means in the online world of marketing, including being personal business, is engagement.


Engagement = money.


Red is also just the beginning of how colour, style and clothing affect branding and business success both online and offline.

There are any more chakras to explore along with how to wear clothes to effectively communicate the message you want and need to get out into the world.


If you would like to create more engagement, attention and convert more clients, you must be using your visual presentation and style of clothing to your full advantage.


Ready to nail every piece of content you produce for your business and stop spinning your wheel to get engagement? 


Open your wardrobe and let’s begin!


Sending you lashings of love and lipstick





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